Online Safety
Online Safety at Brookland
At Brookland we have a comprehensive whole school approach online safety. Every year group has a specific tailored unit of work with progressive age appropriate online safety lessons at the start of each academic year. In addition, these lessons are supplemented with additional lessons throughout the year.
We celebrate online safety week every year and are delighted to work with online safety specialists, Education Child Protection, who provide workshops for all our pupils as well as parental workshops. Our computing lead, Mr. Khan, leads termly online safety assemblies to give out key reminders and address any current or topical issues. If you have any queries or issues feel free to contact Mr. Khan via our school office.
- Age Rating Guide.pdf
- a-parents-guide-to-online-challenges-march-2019.pdf
- FIFA-Parents-Guide-V2-081118.pdf
- Fortnite-Parents-Guide-051218.pdf
- Grooming-Parents-Guide-September-2018-1.pdf
- GTA_Jan_2019.pdf
Instagram-Online-Safety-Guide-March-2019.pdf- KIK-Parents-Guide-December18.pdf
- Minecraft-Parents-Guide-091118.pdf
- Roblox-Parents-Guide-V2-081118.pdf
- Screen-Addiction-Parents-Guide-091118.pdf
- TikTok-Online-Safety-Guide-March-2019-1.pdf
- Twitch-Parents-Guide-November-2018.pdf
- What-children-need-to-know-about-online-bullying-1.pdf
- Youtube-Parents-Guide.pdf